Organising «Performance» & «Management»

As noted at the outset, this was originally developed in the mid-1980s and published in 1990. The overall picture is still similar but there are numerous differences in this revision. Most corrections are unremarkable and reflect greater clarity, especially in the higher Groupings.
The most significant error stemmed from the authors' confusion between work as performance i.e. Grouping). The was not developed until nearly two decades later. The inquiry was from first principles and without concern for consistency with the early . A comparison is therefore valuable.
( in ) and work as ( in ). This was particularly evident at , previously formulated as «decision-action» and now viewed as about (which leads to action, but so does every otherIn making this comparison, keep in mind that one of our Primal Needs appears to be achievement. Neither nor nor happens for its own sake: it is all for achievement.
Primal Need is a non-taxonomic concept currently
under development in the Architecture Room.
Organising Management of Work-to-be-Done
Management must organise performance, but management itself requires to be organised. Organising management requires a focus on how responsibilities for the work to be done are carried.
The present framework shows how Grouping) represents a necessity for « » properly.
must be differentiated, and then how the resulting differentiation needs organising to ensure the integration of work. The full diagram is shown again below. Every column (The rationale for putting effort into achievement based on must be organised and channeled via if it is to be judged worthwhile.
is to ensure actual achievement. This is «the management» that determines performance and achievement. However, as evident from ,Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.

Organising the Doing of Agreed Work
Achievement, the rationale for
(as above), depends primarily on . This is about actually getting work done. Taxonomic inquiry has shown that achievement within an organization in the sense of requires values from all the (see: ).It is possible to derive a framework ( ) for an organization's to ensure achievement. In this framework, a staff member's needs to be differentiated into 7 different forms (Levels) of . That allows a staff member to be fully aware of what is expected of them.
As shown in the diagram below, every column (Grouping) represents a necessary method for «managing work-activity» based on integrating . This managing depends on pre-existing arrangements devised in the above .
Any staff member is both a representative of the organization (i.e. «the management» with responsibilities as per the duties framework) and a private person (i.e. an autonomous individual responsible for oneself). So the various methods for activity control necessarily generate two perspectives, shown in the lower part of the diagram.
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For a quick review, see summary matrices of the framework.
For full details, return to the beginning of that framework.
It certainly seems that there is a correspondence between the above two Structural Hierarchies that is at least as interesting as the differences, and that can be understood in energy terms.
Duties-Oriented PH'5QsH2 |
Action-Oriented PH'1CsH |
assumes | but it also expects/requires | because that is what duties naturally entail. |
assumes | but it also expects/requires | because dialogue without authority goes nowhere. |
assumes | but it also expects/requires | because there must be a pay-off for the costs and effort. |
assumes | but it also expects/requires | because competence and contribution must be checked. |
assumes |
but it also expects/requires | because otherwise ambitions will never be achieved. |
assumes natural |
but it also expects/requires | because otherwise the energy released will be minimal. |
assumes |
but it also expects/requires | because otherwise no-one would voluntarily commit. |
The original work of Jaques not only focused on responsibility and accountability, but also on tasks and their performance i.e. features of the above two Frameworks were pushed together. Certainly time-span was important, and people are constantly deciding and acting in organizations. But why was there little focus (except in passing) on values? or change? or indeed any of the other
?I believe the reason is that there is a Root Projection to
from . are currently conjectured to provide the energy that brings taxonomic entities to life.And Another Feature
In developing the dynamic duality for the accountability framework, it was natural to consider work-style which is closely related to decision-making. The tension in working systematically v responsively, is similar (probably identical) to the approach duality found in the (Typology Essentials Table).
THEE Conjecture: It is predicted that generated by all other Principal Typologies (i.e. ) will also have a projection from . This is testable using appropriate taxonomic inquiries.
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Originally posted: 11-Apr-2014